What Plant Should I Get Quiz? A Plant Recommendation Quiz.
Plants are everywhere now! They look awesome. You want one, but don’t know where to start. You want to know, “What plant should I get?” Or maybe you’re a seasoned collector but you're wracking your brain for your newest addition. No problem, take my Plant Quiz to get recommendations based on your taste, watering habits, and light availability.
Plant Recommendation
The Plant Quiz will provide you a mix of partial and perfect matches. The plant recommendation quiz partial matches loosely match all of the answers you selected and perfect matches are exact matches. The Plant Quiz provides four recommendations based on plant size. You receive a small, medium, large, and trailing/vining plant recommendation. With so many options, you may still not know what plant should I get?
The results page gives a short description of the plant, a picture, and some quick facts on the needs of each plant. See an example below. Feel free to take the quiz now. Have fun, take it multiple times. If you enter your email at the beginning, not mandatory, you will receive an email with your recommendations.

Did you take the quiz? What were your results? Do you have feedback? Let me know in the comments.
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