Complete Guide to eco friendly social activities you can do [bring the change]
Small contributions to eco friendly practices does matter to you, it always has to start with you
![Complete Guide to eco friendly social activities you can do [bring the change]](
Practicing eco friendly practices can help you, nature, future generations to live happily with mother nature. Whether directly or indirectly there are number of ways you can get inspired, spread the word and help other to have
Whether it is ozone layer depletion, more number of hurricanes, increased drought, more health risks etc all they are connected to the climate change done by we humans. Practicing some of these may help us to revert back these drastic changes.
Here are some of the adverse effects mentioned by World Health Organization due to climate change. Most of these can be easily reversed with the change in the persona with little things we do with nature. Let us see few ways we can contribute to nature through eco friendly living.
Courtesy : Who climate change article
Back to topPlant a tree
A tree can absorb around an average of 25kg of CO2 per year. That is around 2.6 gallons(10 liters) of fuel your car burns. A matured tree can produce oxygen needed for around 4 humans in a day. Tress are amazing they give food to us, reduce carbon footprint and give oxygen to you.
Some trees like Peepal tree has ability to give oxygen entire day and they can live up to 2500 years which is 25 times(expecting 100 years of human life) more than the human life span. It is the only thing where you can contribute to nature with or without your presence.
There are always ways to plant a tree, you just need a will
- Try to plant a big or small tree it can be in your own backyard, your society or a place where you have traveled
- If you do not have big backyard you can plant small trees
- If you live in apartments a few mid sized plants, herbs(yes they can even make you healthy) or can be even a small area where you get sunlight
- You live in a place where you get less sunlight, you can try some indoor plants that thrive in low light. A correct led light can help to thrive its living
Do not forget to give a lovely hug to tree you have planted, when. Who knows it may be listening to you in its own language :-)
Back to topDo not through seeds in your dustbin
Seeds are part of nature to pass on from one generation to others. They are created by plants to pass on from one generation to others. They are often left in garbage plastic thus ending no where. Whether they are the seeds from your fruit, vegetables or seeds of other plants, just collect seeds and keep them ready to throw them in nature but not in your plastic garbage.
You can just store them in dry compost and mud as round balls to throw easily. This way they are not eaten and also get enough nutrients when it rains next.
It is simple next time you eat a fruit store all those seeds some where in tight dark place. When you go to school, a long drive, to office, trekking in forest there may be some place you can just through those seeds. Mother nature does the rest.
Do you know birds are the main species responsible for plants propagation
Do not forget to check the area when you revisit, it should be more green than previously.
Back to topAlways store rain water
Storage of the water whether it is in your home or in ground is key not to disturb the nature. On one hand we are depleting the ground water and not recharging. Mother nature would have done this itself if we would have not disturbed the soil or would have made concrete jungle.
Few decades back if we drill down few feet we used to get ground water, it has now went down
We have disturbed the ground water, soil so much that it started showing different signs of problems. See below some nature effects because of this
- Water contaminated due to plastic is another big problem
- Do you know ground water extraction has tilted the axis spin of Earth. See below image across the world where the countries are having water stress

Different ways you can store water
- Store the rain water, you have enough water to store from the rain. By storing the rain water you can use healthy water year long for all your needs
- Go for trenches, ridges, swamps etc in your locality. They recharge the ground water efficiently. What ever the method you want to use try to recharge the ground water. It can be your home, your locality, office/school or your farm land.
Spread the word
Spreading the good words is the first thing you may need to do. We have great medium's today and can help us to reach these good words and make them viral. It is always good to share the ideas which can change community. It always starts with you and good can spread quickly.
Some great things you can do depending about your circumstances
- It may be the photos or shorts(reels) video of the ecofriendly things you have done or you have seen or heard, it does not matter try to share them.
- Discuss with your near and dear and get some great ideas
- Be active in blogging community to share new ideas, bloggers like me spend lot of time creating great content and sharing ideas. Comment or share your ideas in famous platforms
- Talk to your friends and colleagues whenever you have time and opportunity.
- If you are parent tell your kids and have them participate on such ecofriendly activities from childhood
- If you are a teacher teach the kids, the importance of nature and preserve it. You are the best persons to spread the word
Back to topTry to use the trending hash tags like #ecofriendly #sustainability #sustainableliving #sustainable #zerowaste #handmade accordingly
Donate to charity who are doing great eco friendly work
If you have ability and have good financial condition try to donate to charity. Different ways you can donate.
- There are societies who clean the ocean area free from plastic and other wast. Basically any organizations cleaning ocean, river, ponds, water etc
- Who work on shelters or food for birds, dogs, cats, cows and other animals try to donate them. Yes they too are part of nature, they too have right to live as we are
- Organization who work on planting trees, conserve forests etc.
- Charities working on environment, they can be scientists, attorneys, advocates etc
- Teams renovating the deserts, yes deserts make 33% of earth. Imagine this is all turned to vast green land
Reduce your carbon foot print
Simple items reducing your carbon foot print is always good. It is as good as not to use certain products, less utilization of resources, using natural products may reduce the carbon foot print.
- Reduce your energy requirements. It may be lighting(led lights) using less electricity, turning off your heaters or air conditioners for 1 hour a day, doing your work out in your lawn versus under electricity in a room everything makes difference. Power is the first industry with highest carbon emissions
- Buy clothing/shoes/kitchen materials which is only needed. It does not mean anything to keep 30 pairs of jeans and shirts and you only use 5 or 6 in a month. It takes around 8000 litres of water to produce a jeans at factory, forget the water we use to grow cotton
- Fuels are one of the top carbon emission industry. Try sharing a trip with your wife or colleague for going to work. Use public transport can also be one good way
- Buy a product which is manufactured in your country or nearer distance to you. A product coming far from long distance would have lot of carbon foot print versus product manufactured in your locality. It may cost few bucks more or sometimes less. Many of the online stores have the eco friendly or sustainable tags, look for them while doing online shopping
- Build community across you of similar interests. Who knows there may be vegetable garden beside your home, a farmer practicing natural farming where you can get your grocery rather than going stores, a pet lover creating toys with natural eco friendly materials etc.
- Replace high carbon foot print items with bio-degradable or natural pducts. For example use jute bags when you shop to carry the products or buy jute bag which can last forever instead of carrying back a bunch of plastic bags.
Work on handmade goods and also buy them
Handmade goods are great way to reduce the stress on the nature. Those bigger factories has lot of carbon foot print. It can be anything that is interest to you.
- If you love gardening work on the compost from your kitchen or plant waste. Share seeds with neighbors, share and take ideas of soil techniques, seeds germination etc.
- If you are animal lover get some great natural toys for pets, it is lot better than plastic toys. It can be a healthy unprocessed snack which comes natural from mother earth. The love you get in return from the pet is incomparable
- If you like weaving, get some wool and weave a sweater for your loved once or to a kid in your neighbor
- Also use the home made goods, you can use some bird nests, get a compost bin for your kitchen waste
- Ideas are not limited to above, you can have anything that comes from nature and goes to nature(degrading to nature)
Above are few ideas you can do without disturbing any of the regular schedule. It has to start with small ideas and those small contributions make lot of difference. It would be definitely get you peace, healthy environment, help future generations. The ideas may not be limited to above, if you have any great ideas please share the ideas in comment section, would happy to update the article with your great eco friendly ideas
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