How I Accidently Became a Crypto Gamer.

Do you know we have blockchain games, can you earn real crypto from them?
How I Accidently Became a Crypto Gamer.
Authored by : JessicaSprater
Last updated on 14 June, 2024

When I was supposed to be studying for finals, I came across a game developed by Gala Games who creates blockchain games. They allow you to own NFTs that can interact with the game and in some instances earn you crypto that you can then take to an exchange and get it deposited into your own bank account.

I wanted to go over how I happened to come across gala games, start playing Townstar, won some crypto and an NFT, and how I use that NFT to earn more crypto by playing Townstar.

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Brave Browser

If you are interested in crypto I highly suggest getting the brave browser. The browser is based on Google Chrome's open source code and rewards you with the Basic Attention Token (BAT). In addition to earning you crypto Brave is great because with each tab you open they have a display banner advertising a variety of companies.

Most of these companies are involved in crypto currency, and if you want to learn more about the crypto space can expose you to the possibilities of the crypto space. This is where I learned about Townstar and Gala Games. I opened a new tab and saw the game displayed in the background, I clicked the link and learned more about the game.

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Gala Games

Gala Games is a blockchain game developer. As of now the only game you can actively play are Townstar and Spider Tanks, but they have started selling NFTs for other titles including: Mirandus, Legacy, Fortified, and many more.

Gala Games runs off their own crypto currency known as Gala and plans on developing a coin for each game. They have a solid team and have a growing following that seems that it is here to stay. Currently they are working on developing their own gala blockchain that will help eliminate the gas fees associated with Ethereum network.

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What drew me into Gala Games was Townstar, it is a simulation game where you build a town that produces a variety of products. It is a competitive game where you can rank depending on how many products you can crank out and sell. If you rank in the top 400 in the weekly competition server you will be rewarded with Gala.

Game TownStar
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May Mayhem

I happened to start playing Townstar during what Gala Games named May Mayhem. They were celebrating the launching of the beta version of Townstar. During this month they had additional rewards for those who ranked in the top 400. They also would change what is known as the Meta (the in game points you earn by selling items that allow you to rank) each week to make it more of a challenge.

During the time I played if I were to place top 400 I was to receive $100 worth of Gala at the going price during May 2021. I played constantly for a week and was able to play in the top 300 and I received my $100 worth of Gala.

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Buggy Mr. Puddles

Since Gala Games was just releasing the beta version of the game you can imagine that Townstar was not without it's faults. There were quite a few bugs that we kept running into during the week that I was working hard to build my town and rank high enough to earn my Gala.

Because there were a lot of problems this particular week the developers gave each player an NFT known as Buggy Mr. Puddles. He works similarly to the regular Mr. Puddles but he just a little bit slower. Buggy Mr. Puddles will water my plants or animals and fill in any puddles that I decide to create.

Buggy Mr. Puddles
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This is where things got interesting. Gala Games introduced Townstar's own token known as TOWN coin. There is one main way to receive TOWN and it is to play Townstar. There are a couple of things that you must do in order to be eligible to earn TOWN when playing Townstar.

  1. You must have a gala power of at least level 1. This can be done by holding 1 Gala token. Your Gala power will dictate how many NFTs you can place in your game. Level 1 means you can place 1 NFT in game, level 2 means you can place 2 NFTs in game, and so on.
  2. You must have an NFT you can place in the game. I use my Buggy Mr. Puddles. Each NFT earns a different amount of TOWN, and each NFT is subject to change. Currently Buggy Mr. Puddles earns 10 TOWN.
  3. You must complete the daily challenge in order to earn your TOWN. The daily challenge refreshes each day and is also subject to change. Once you complete the challenge you will earn the TOWN coin that your NFTs are slotted to earn.

Currently I earn 10 TOWN each day I play Townstar and complete the daily challenge. I can use my TOWN to purchase more NFTs if I wish to place in my town that will earn me more TOWN and help me level up my Gala power so I can multiple my earnings each day.

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