Get to Work: Scientist Career

Explore all about the scientist career is Sims 4 game
Get to Work: Scientist Career
Authored by : JessicaSprater
Last updated on 15 June, 2024

The Scientist Career is an available interactive profession that comes with the Sims 4 Get to Work expansion pack. Not only are you able to go with your sim to work, but you can unlock new inventions go to space, interact with aliens, and much more.

Whether you are trying to figure out if you want to purchase the Get to Work expansion pack, or need help navigating the Scientist Career, this article will give you an overview of the Scientist Career, explain how to max out the career, and much more.

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Sims 4 Get to Work

The Sims 4 Get to Work expansion pack added many new interactive careers and new experiences you can enjoy with your sims. With the Get to Work expansion you can join your sims at their job, they can join multiple new professions including the Doctor, Scientist, or Detective. You can also purchase and run a retail lot and sell items your sims create or collect.

Not only can you go to work with your sims now, you also get the chance to interact with new civic center lots that are not available in the base game. The civic center lots are lots that you cannot go visit while you travel. When you join your sims at one of the new careers you will load into one of these civic center lots.

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How to join the scientist career

You can use either your phone, a computer, or your sim's career tab to find a job. To use your phone you want to select the Business button (the yellow one with a briefcase in it) and then select "Find a Job." Once you click on find a job a menu with all the available careers will appear.

To find a job using a computer you want to click on the computer, then select "career" and then "Find a Job." Lastly, you can use your sim's career tab, it is the small briefcase next to your sim's aspiration, and if your sim does not currently have a job you will see a an option to "Join a Career." If your sim already has a job this option won't be under your career tab. Instead, this is where you will go to find information on your sim's career, such as schedule, vacation days, salary, and more.

To join the scientist career you will want to select the scientist career when the menu of the available careers appear. Your sim will start out as a process server and will have to work hard to climb the ranks of the legal field.

If you are wondering how your sim can take advantage of their paid vacation days you can learn more in this article.

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Climbing the ranks of the scientist career

The scientist career consist of ten different levels for your sim to play through. In addition to needing to have a complete progress bar, your sim will need to continue to have breakthroughs before you can advance to the next level. Sims can achieve breakthroughs when performing certain activities, such as reading, taking a thoughtful shower, tinkering, and many more.


You will see a lightbulb above your sim's head when they start to have their breakthroughs. A breakthrough will unlock a new invention that your sim can now make, and will help you sim move up to the next level of the scientist career. If you want to know more about breakthroughs, including what inventions you unlock, and how many breakthroughs you can expect, you can learn everything you need to know in this guide to breakthroughs and inventions.

There are ten levels that your sim can work through in order to max out the scientists career path. The table below shows you what you can expect at each level.

Career LevelScheduleWageBonuses
(1) Lab technicianM-F 10am - 7pm$24/hrN/A
(2) Apprentice InventorM-F 10am - 7pm$32/hr$192
New Clothes 
Journey to the Stars
(3) Junior TinkererM-F 10am - 7pm$39/hr$256
New Clothes
Flying Saucer Table Lamp
(4) Serum SequencerM-F 10am - 7pm$48/hr$312
Chemistry Lab
(5) Technological InnovatorM-F 10am - 7pm$72/hr$382
New Clothes
S1m5-4 Test Tube Pediestal
(6) UfologistM-F 10am - 7pm$102/hr$579
Cautionary Tale Door
X-180 Shatterproof Window
(7) Laboratory LeaderM-F 10am - 7pm$142/hr$816
Hygienic Decontamination Pod
(8) Pioneer of New TechnologiesM-F 10am - 7pm$187/hr$1,136
New Clothes
(9) Mad ScientistM-F 10am - 7pm$215/hr$1,496
New Clothes
(10) Extraterrestrial ExplorerM-F 10am - 7pm$247/hr$1,720
New Clothes 
Out of this World Desktop
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Degrees that help your sim in the scientist career

If you have the Sims 4 Discovery University, you can enroll your sim in university, you can learn about the enrollment process in detail in this article, and earn a degree that can help boost your career performance and pay. If you have a physics degree your sim will start at a higher level of the scientist career with a signing bonus and receive higher hourly rates than those without the physics degree.

The discover university expansion allows sims to earn different levels of degrees. Depending on your sim's skills and high school performance they can be selected for a distinguished degree program. A distinguished degree will give your sim an advantage in the job market, you can earn more at each level of your scientist career than someone with a normal degree. You can earn a distinguished physics degree from Foxbury institute.

Sims also have the ability to graduate with honors if they perform well at university. Graduating with honors will also boost your sim's starting position and earning abilities in their Scientist career. You can graduate with honors with either a normal or distinguished degree at the University of Britechester or Foxbury Institute.

Depending on the type of degree you earn you will start at a different position in the scientist career and receive a signing bonus anywhere from $960 to $1248.

Physics Degree TypeStarting LevelStarting PaySigning Bonus
Distinguished Physics Degree with Honors8$263/hr$1248
Distinguished Physics Degree7$197/hr$1200
Physics Degree with Honors7$193/hr$1056
Physics Degree6$134/hr$960

The type of degree also affects how much your sim earns as they level up and max out the Scientist Career. If you earn a distinguished degree with honors you will end up earning $22 more an hour than a sim with a normal physics degree.

Title/LevelDistinguished w/ HonorsDistinguishedWith HonorsPhysics Degree
Laboratory Leader (7)N/A$197/hr$193/hr$187/hr
Pioneer of New Technologies (8)N/A$259/hr$254/hr$246/hr
Mad Scientist (9)$303/hr$298/hr$292/hr$283/hr
Extraterrestrial Explorer (10)$348/hr$343/hr$335/hr$326/hr
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How to perform the daily tasks

The Scientist Career is one of the professions included with the Sims 4 Get to Work expansion pack. Each work day you can choose to join your sim at work and play through each work day to help your sim advance in their career, or send them alone like you would with any other job.

When you join your sim at work you will enter a loading screen and end up at the FutureSims Lab where you will carry out your work day. You will find a progress bar with task underneath it at the top left of your screen. Your goal is to fill up the progress bar by completing as may tasks as you possibly can.


Scientists are often tasked with having to swap co-workers for DNA, using the Simray, using the microscope, and much more. When you finish a task you will see that the particular task will disappear and a new one will become available.

With each task you finish you should see the progress bar above your tasks start to fill up. If you fill the progress bar up all the way, your sim will gain a large performance boost, making your sim on the way to the next level in the Scientist Career.

If you decide to send your sim to work alone, you will have the same options that you would with other career paths. You will see a small briefcase on your selected sim's profile and you can have them work hard, socialize with co-workers, leave early, or slack off. If you choose work hard your sim will gain a good bit of performance. You do not need to go to work with your sim in order to have them advance through the scientist career, although, you still will need to have the required number of breakthroughs. Which will require you to do some work with them during their off hours.

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