What is Town Star: The Play to Earn Farmville

Know all about Town Star - BlockChain farming game
What is Town Star: The Play to Earn Farmville
Authored by : JessicaSprater
Last updated on 15 June, 2024

If you have heard of crypto currency or NFTS (non-fungible tokens) you probably are aware that there is a use for crypto and blockchain technology with gaming. Crypto gaming is still in its infant stage, but it is very exciting because it gives players the ability to own the digital assets in the games that they are playing. The game developers are no longer in the position to take away digital assets from players and players can sell their digital assets on third party websites.

Town Star is a competitive blockchain farm simulation and town building game where you can earn rewards through placing in weekly competitions and utilizing the play-to-earn features in the game.

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Gala Games

Gala Games is a block chain gaming company that runs its system on user owned nodes. A node is similar to a server but rather than one central location running there are multiple node owners who help keep the system up and running. These node owners get crypto as a reward in exchange for running the node on their personal computer system.

As of February 2022, Gala Games has two games in beta and seven games in development. Town Star was the first game Gala Games launched. The game was originally developed by some of the same people who made the popular Facebook game, Farmville.

Gala Games aims to allow players to own their games through NFTs and earn rewards through their governing token GALA and each game's individual token as well. For example, Town Star has the TOWN coin that players are able to earn. As games develop Gala Game's goal is to create an individual token for those games so each game has its own unique ecosystem.

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How to launch Town Star

Town Star is played completely in your browser, so you do not need to download any software, you can even play Town Star on your phone.

To play Town Star you will create a Gala Games account, you can create an account by clicking register in the top right of Gala Games main page. You then want to click on the games tab at the top and click play under Town Star.

Town Star play to earn

You will automatically be directed to the main page of the game.

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What is the goal of Town Star?

The main goal of Town Star is to expand your town, manage production, and use ingredients to produce higher earning goods. You will start out with limited resources and will need to expand your town as much as possible.

As you sell goods you will want to try and earn as many stars as possible in order to grow in the rankings. To earn stars you will need to sell goods which earn you both stars and in game money that you use to purchase more in game products that help create goods higher up in the production chain.

You will start out growing wheat and depending on which terrain you have will ultimately point you in a certain direction with your town. For example, if you are near mountains you can utilize mining and create wine and blue steal which sell for a hefty price and earn some of the most stars.

Town star goals
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Town Star competition and rewards

When you first go to the main page of the Town Star launcher where you click play now underneath that button it tells you which server you are in. you can click on change next to it to choose which game you want to participate in.

You will see that there is a weekly challenge server and then multiple longer lasting play-to-earn servers. The weekly challenge is a highly competitive game where you have the opportunity to earn GALA token. You have to place in the top 100 in order to be eligible to earn GALA.

The developers of the game do like to keep players on their toes and change up the reward structure. They call this the "meta" meaning how much stars each good earns when sold. The developers will announce the changes either Sunday or Monday.

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Town Star introduced play to earn

In October 2021 a big development came to Town Star known as play to earn. You are no longer limited to winning the weekly competition to earn crypto from Town Star. You can now earn Town Star's own coin known as TOWN.

You can earn TOWN on any of the available server and the amount you earn depends on how much GALA you own and which NFTs you have. Gala has what is known as Gala power and your gala power is determined by how much gala you have in your inventory. Your gala power will determine how many NFTs you can place in Town Star and which NFTs you have will determine how much TOWN you earn when you complete your play to earn challenge.

For example, if you have 1 GALA you have a gala power of 1, which means you can place 1 NFT in your town when you play Town Star. NFTs earn various amounts of TOWN, for instance the Water Bot earns 10 TOWN whenever you complete the daily in game challenge. If you put more GALA in your inventory you will get to gala power level 2 and then place two NFTs in your town when you play Town Star and earn more TOWN each day.

If you want to learn how I first stumbled upon earning money playing Town Star check out my article where I go into detail on how I got started for completely free and can earn 10 TOWN a day without purchasing an NFT.

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Town Star NFTs

NFTs are digital assets you own and keep in your crypto wallet. When you connect your wallet to Town Star you will have the ability to place these in your game. You can purchase Town Star NFTs straight from Gala Game's website from their store. Gala Games is constantly coming out with new NFTs.

Town stars NFTs

NFTs can be useful when integrated with Town Star. Each NFT has a unique ability and can help speed up production. For example, there are NFTs known as wheat stands that passively gives wheat to anything placed in the nearby area. The wheat stand eliminates the need for your workers to grow wheat, store it in the silo, and then carry it to a manufacturer who needs wheat which cuts down on production cost and time.

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