Can You Eat Pizza With Hemorrhoids?

Can You Eat Pizza With Hemorrhoids?
Authored by : Simone
Last updated on 03 November, 2024

Hemorrhoids are not a disease but their inflammation is. Hemorrhoids themselves are bags of vascular tissue present in the intestine that help the normal functioning of this organ. It can happen that they dilate with the possibility of blood loss from the same bags and the hemorrhoids themselves can come out of the anus.

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What causes hemorrhoids?

There are factors that favor the onset of this inflammation, including some eating habits. In any case, when the disorder occurs, you may feel pain during defecation and, for this reason, it is advisable to eat in the best way to avoid further irritating the intestinal tract.

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Foods to Treat and Prevent Hemorrhoids

Both to prevent and treat hemorrhoids , it is advisable to eat vegetables and foods rich in fiber, as well as drink plenty of water. It is also better to avoid foods that lead to intestinal fermentation and swelling. First of all, carbonated drinks should be avoided, followed by leavened dough products such as bread and pizza. Spicy foods, in addition to causing greater pain during defecation, should also be avoided to eliminate the possibility of irritation of the hemorrhoids. At the same time, it is also better to eliminate foods with astringent properties such as rice and lemon.
Fiber supplements taken with plenty of water are a way to facilitate intestinal transit and make food digestion and expulsion more tolerable.


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Can you eat pizza with hemorrhoids?

The above rules are more stringent in the presence of an already evident problem, while if the symptoms are few or you just want to prevent the problem, you can also make an exception to the rule every now and then. Pizza is one of the foods to avoid because it contains yeast, but if you are in the presence of a minor problem, a pizza every now and then, perhaps a couple of times a month, can also be allowed, better if chosen in the wholemeal variant and with a long leavening, in order to introduce abundant fiber and avoid an excessive accumulation of leavening gas.
For those who have more serious hemorrhoid problems, it is better to avoid this food until the situation is stabilized, both to feel less pain during toilet sessions and to not further aggravate the irritation.

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Other things to consider when you have hemorrhoids

So far we have illustrated how it is better to help intestinal transit with fiber and water but diarrhea is also to be avoided in the presence of this problem. If the consistency of the stool in this case is obviously not a problem, the composition of the same becomes one. In the presence of diarrhea, the acidity of the stool is usually higher and this can cause irritation to the intestinal tract and worsen the situation. This can happen in the case of excessive intake of coffee and alcohol or foods such as sausages that require a greater participation of the acids present in the stomach that must then be expelled.

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Can you drink beer with hemorrhoids?

Beer is an alcoholic and carbonated beverage. Both of these characteristics are not recommended in the presence of hemorrhoids. For this reason, it is better to avoid drinking beer in the presence of intestinal tract irritation. The considerations made for pizza also apply in this situation. In the case of prevention or treatment of hemorrhoids in the early stages, it is possible to assume that you should drink a few glasses of beer every now and then, while if the problem is more advanced, you will have to give it up completely before being able to enjoy the drink you like so much again.
On the other hand, beer also produces brewer's yeast which can be used for pizza and focaccia, already condemned by the reflections previously made.
A traditional pairing is beer and pizza, but it's best to avoid this one so as not to tempt fate too much by including these blacklisted foods all together.

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Herbal tea to reduce hemorrhoid inflammation

In the most serious cases of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to seek medical intervention with ligatures, cauterizations and surgical operations, but for the milder cases, one can try to reduce the problem with the help of herbs that can be useful in different directions.

On the one hand, in fact, the part must be disinflamed and for this purpose herbs such as witch hazel can be useful. Secondly, it is necessary to improve the venous circulation which is what circulates inside the hemorrhoids causing their dilation. To this end, herbs such as blackberry can be taken. Furthermore, one can also help oneself with fibers to be taken together with a lot of water to make the stool more fluid and promote intestinal transit and for this reason mallow or other fibers that gel when in contact with water can be useful.

An example of a herbal tea that can be prepared at home is made from horse chestnut, buckthorn and yarrow: the herbs should be left to infuse for 15 minutes and the herbal tea should then be drunk after filtering it.
Mallow, on the other hand, should be prepared in the form of a decoction. The herbs should be placed in cold water in a saucepan that should be brought to the boiling point. Turn off the heat and leave to infuse for another ten minutes before filtering it.

Those who like convenience can try aloe vera juice, sold ready-made in herbalist's shops and also in supermarkets. Aloe has soothing properties and also facilitates intestinal transit, thanks to its gelatinous consistency.

By following a correct diet and helping yourself in a natural way, you can at least alleviate the pain and reduce the inflammation of hemorrhoids.


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