Can I eat jam with diarrhea?
<p>Can Jam Make Diarrhea Worse? Find Out The Truth</p>

Diarrhea is a common condition that affects many people. It is an increase in the number of bowel movements, with loose or watery stools. Diarrhea can be caused by infections, food intolerances, reactions to medications, stress, and many other factors.
When you have diarrhea, it is important to worry about replacing lost fluids by drinking plenty of water, tea, broths or sports drinks. You also need to be careful about what you eat, preferring foods that are easy to digest. But can I eat jam with diarrhea? Let's see in detail.
Back to topCan you eat jam when you have diarrhea?
Jam is a fruit preserve cooked with sugar. Jams are usually made with acidic fruits such as oranges, lemons, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries. Jam has a thick, gelatinous consistency.
Eating jam when you have diarrhea can be a good idea. Jam, being cooked and deprived of much of the water, is easy to digest. It also contains simple sugars that can provide energy without weighing down the intestine. Jam also has a high content of pectin, a soluble fiber with antidiarrheal properties.
So yes, you can eat jam with diarrhea , but with some precautions. It is better to avoid jams with whole pieces of fruit, which could irritate the intestine. Opt for smooth jams, without seeds. Consume small quantities, 1-2 teaspoons at a time. Avoid jams with a high added sugar content. Prefer those that are 100% fruit.
Back to topWhat to eat for breakfast if you have diarrhea?
When you suffer from diarrhea, breakfast should also be light and digestible. Here are some tips on what to eat for breakfast with diarrhea :
- Rusks: They are a simple food, low in fat and fiber. To make them more digestible, it is better to soak them in milk or tea.
- Crackers: opt for non-wholemeal crackers, to be consumed in small quantities together with plain jam or honey.
- Non-whole grain breakfast cereals: Avoid whole grains, which are high in fiber. Instead, opt for refined cereals such as corn flakes, puffed rice, and oatmeal.
- Plain yogurt: yogurt is a probiotic food that can help rebalance the intestinal flora. Choose low-fat yogurt.
- Tea, coffee, milk: warm and comforting drinks to be savored slowly to replenish fluids.
- Cooked fruit: Steamed apples or bananas, without peel and seeds. Cooking makes the fruit more digestible.
- Jam: 1-2 teaspoons of smooth jam spread on the biscuits.
What fruits to eat if you have diarrhea?
Fresh fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are beneficial for the body. However, some types of fruit can worsen diarrhea. So which fruit should you choose if you have diarrhea?
Fruits to avoid:
- Acidic and sour fruits: Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons can irritate the intestines. Also avoid pineapple, kiwi, berries.
- Raw fruits with peel and seeds: apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches can be difficult to digest.
- Dried fruits: prunes, apricots, figs. They are high in sugar and fiber.
- Red fruits: Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, raw blueberries. They contain insoluble fiber.
Allowed fruits:
- Bananas: have an astringent and antidiarrheal effect. Eat cooked without peel.
- Apple, pear: very ripe, peeled, seedless and cooked. Heat aids digestion.
- Peaches, nectarines: peeled and cooked, without seeds. They provide potassium.
- Apple or pear puree: soft centrifuged without peel and seeds. They replenish mineral salts.
So with diarrhea you can eat fruit , but cooked and without peel and seeds that could irritate the intestine. Limit the consumption of acidic and fiber-rich fruit.
Back to topWhat to avoid if you have diarrhea?
When you have diarrhea, it is good to pay attention to what you eat. In fact, there are some foods that are best avoided to avoid worsening the disorder. Here are the main ones:
- Whole grain foods: Whole grain bread, pasta, rice, whole grain cereals. They are high in fiber, which can irritate the intestines.
- Legumes: beans, chickpeas, lentils. Fiber and complex carbohydrates are difficult to digest.
- Raw vegetables: lettuce, tomatoes, raw carrots. Better to prefer cooked vegetables.
- Acidic, dried or peeled/seeded fruit.
- Irritating spices: pepper, chili pepper, paprika.
- Alcohol: Can make the problem worse.
- Fatty and fried foods: difficult to digest.
- Dairy: Prefer low-fat yogurt. Avoid fermented cheeses.
- Carbonated and sugary drinks: can cause bloating.
- Coffee: can stimulate intestinal motility.
So it is good to choose light foods, easy to digest and low in fiber. Eat slowly, chewing well. Drink plenty of fluids to rehydrate the body.
Back to topConclusion: What to eat with diarrhea?
In conclusion, with diarrhea you can eat jam , but it is better to choose smooth jams, without seeds or pieces, and consume small quantities. Also excellent spread on toast for breakfast.
In general, with diarrhea it is better to prefer liquid or very soft, cooked foods, without fiber. Green light to soups, cream soups, eggs, grilled meat or fish, boiled potatoes, white bread, crackers. To replenish liquids and mineral salts, consume bouillon, herbal teas, fruit juices without pulp.
Limit fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole dairy products and fatty or fried foods that can worsen the problem. With some dietary precautions, an episode of acute diarrhea can be better managed while waiting for it to resolve spontaneously. In case of persistent diarrhea, it is best to contact your doctor.
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