Rilastil or Almond Oil? Which is better?

When you are pregnant, your skin suffers from stretch marks both due to the impending pregnancy and the subsequent weight loss, which is why during the gestation phase it is important to treat the affected area with products that can help keep the skin elastic before and after childbirth as well as avoid redness.
Among the various comments present on the Forums, two are the most used methods to deal with the problem of stretch marks: almond oil , not excessively expensive, and Rilastil, more expensive but effective at the same time against the most serious and resistant stretch marks.
In this guide my aim is to point out the strengths of both products and advise women on when to use one or the other.
Back to topRilastil: characteristics
Rilastil is a product created to address the dramatic problem of stretch marks, that is, the loss of elasticity, particularly related to the gestation phase.
The formula was created not only as a post-stretch mark treatment but also has a preventive purpose, that of hydrating the skin and nourishing it deeply in order to avoid the formation of stretch marks. It is an intensive treatment that can be used not only on the stomach but also on other parts of the body such as arms, legs, buttocks and hips, areas that can suffer loss of elasticity following diets.
Suitable for all skin types, it has no contraindications and is available on the market in liquid form or as a cream or gel for skin applications.
Rilastil is effective for both white and red stretch marks , i.e. in the inflammation phase.
The cost is expensive but by carrying out a treatment cycle consistently the results are truly excellent.
Almond oil: characteristics
A less expensive and natural method to prevent and fight stretch marks is almond oil by virtue of the intrinsic properties of almonds.
Almond has a specific softening and emollient quality that when applied to the skin reduces irritation by acting as a soothing agent.
Ideal for dry skin, it nourishes it deeply thanks to the presence of vitamins E and B.
The elasticizing property makes almond oil an appropriate solution to combat pregnancy stretch marks. Applied to the affected area with an adequate massage several times a day after bathing, it relaxes and nourishes the skin.
Almond oil prevents the skin from tearing and creating that unsightly textured effect that is the result of pregnancy or excessive weight loss due to losing a lot of weight.
A not excessively expensive solution, almond oil can also be purchased online and has no contraindications.
What is the best product?
In defining which is the best product between Rilastil and Almond Oil it is appropriate to stick to their characteristics, certainly both products produce beneficial effects on the skin regarding stretch marks but with different timing and results also in relation to the severity of the stretch marks.
Compared to each other, both products are good, but if I had to make a ranking I would say that Rilastil is more effective in the short term and on more complex stretch marks: white and red.
Who is Rilastil better for and who is almond oil better for?
Based on the arguments presented in describing the characteristics of Rilastil and almond oil for stretch marks, it is appropriate to state that if the economic variable is taken into account, the most appropriate solution is almond oil which has a market cost significantly lower than Rilastil.
A long treatment such as that relating to the pregnancy and post-pregnancy period involves costs, if you decide to follow the Rilastil treatment these costs are significantly higher by virtue of its higher market price compared to almond oil.
Furthermore, if we take into account the level of intensity of the stretch marks and whether we are dealing with white or red stretch marks, Rilastil, as confirmed by market research, has proven to be more effective, so much so that many women testify that the stretch marks have gone away.
Almond oil, in fact, acts on stretch marks but on the light ones and in any case it is an ideal treatment to prevent them rather than eliminate them, we are however talking about a natural product that requires constant application and that is less effective than Rilastil.
Finally, if you want to take into account the contraindications, well both products are made in such a way as not to produce side effects because natural components are used, naturally, almond oil is a 100% natural product free of chemical elements produced with the premature almond ideal for those who prefer natural treatments and want to opt for a natural cosmetics.
In which situations is it better to choose one or the other?
The choice between Rilastil and almond oil is dictated by the level of stretch marks, if they are light stretch marks or a preventive treatment, almond oil is fine, but if you are faced with large white stretch marks, Rilastil is certainly more effective on different points both in the gestation phase and in the case of postpartum weight loss.
Back to topConclusions
I conclude by saying that analyzing the two products both have positive and common characteristics and I recommend Rilastil for the most important treatments in which the presence of stretch marks is now evident, while I see almond oil more suitable for a pre-treatment as a nourishing formula to soothe and make the skin elastic in order to avoid the problem of loss of tone.
It can be said that almond oil is good for the pre-partum period but Rilastil is better in the post-partum phase in which weight loss occurs and the skin can sag creating unpleasant blemishes.
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