When can you eat after a cesarean section?

In the past, cesarean section was a long, complicated and dangerous operation, performed only in emergency cases. On the contrary, today the procedure is safer and faster, thanks also to new surgical techniques .
The operation can be scheduled or emergency, depending on the specific case, and is performed when natural birth involves complications and critical issues for the mother or the baby.
In view of childbirth, it is important that the mother faces it in the best way, and nutrition can be a great ally. Here are some useful tips.
When to eat after a cesarean section?
The new mother must wait at least 6 hours before eating again. It is allowed to consume a liquid or very light meal in the evening.
After the caesarean section, the new mother is kept under observation for 2-5 days, depending on how the surgery went. During this period, assisted by medical staff, she will be able to better deal with the implications of the operation, get used to sitting again and then walking .
Before eating, it is important that the anesthesia wears off completely, otherwise it may cause vomiting. Good rest is strongly recommended for 24 hours after a cesarean section.
If there were no particular complications during the operation and the woman has recovered well, she can consume a frugal or completely liquid meal, starting 6-8 hours after the operation.
It is possible that in the 12-24 hours following the operation, intravenous fluids will continue to be administered, and the drip will only be removed later in order to ensure good body hydration: this is essential for a complete recovery.
It is important to follow the instructions of your doctor, who will obviously give specific advice for each personal need.
When can you eat before a cesarean section?
In case of a scheduled cesarean section, ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) recommends not eating substantial and fatty foods in the eight hours before the operation, opting for a frugal meal that provides the right amount of energy, such as honey or biscuits, in order to face it in the best way and also to avoid problems with the anesthesia.
You can drink fluids, including water, tea, fruit juices, coffee, and sports drinks.

Fasting is strongly recommended for the 6 hours prior to the test, so as not to strain the intestinal tract.
In any case, it is essential to follow the instructions of the anesthetist who will follow you during the operation.
Nutrition after surgery
In the 5 hours immediately following the operation it is best to consume liquid foods. After 8-12 hours, the new mother can have a light and frugal meal.
This is because the intestine tends to slow down after surgery. Hydration is essential to combat constipation and facilitate intestinal movements.
In addition, the correct amount of water regenerates the tissues and allows for a good recovery. In the days and months that follow, once you leave the hospital, it is important to maintain a balanced diet, with foods rich in nutrients and vitamins, which give the body the right amount of energy for post-operative recovery.
If you are breastfeeding, it is recommended to maintain a slightly higher than normal caloric intake, obviously following the advice of your doctor .
Getting back into shape is not the priority, at least during the breastfeeding period. During this period, it is important to ensure that the body has a good caloric intake. A correct diet is also important to facilitate digestion and intestinal movement, so that the abdomen is not subjected to particular strain. After a cesarean section, it is important to introduce a balanced amount of essential nutrients such as proteins, minerals, calcium, fiber and iron into your diet.
The following are highly recommended:
- White meat, ghee, oily fish, nuts and seeds which are rich in good fats;
- Soups, broths and meat stews, which provide collagen, electrolytes and many micronutrients;
- Cooked vegetables
- Fish and eggs, walnuts and all nuts, rich in Omega-3;
- Dried fruit (walnuts, almonds);
- Minerals (zinc, magnesium, selenium, iron) that contribute to energy needs, improve the functionality of the nervous system and promote relaxation.
- Micronutrients, including B vitamins, B12 and B3, which keep fatigue and tiredness at bay
The following should be avoided:
- Soft drinks, which contain a lot of sugar (almost 8 teaspoons per can). It causes a sudden and significant production of insulin: fat accumulates and hunger returns quickly. The same goes for industrial fruit juices, much better to choose a natural juice or squeezed juice, with a high vitamin content;
- Carbonated drinks, legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, soybeans) and some vegetables (broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower), which can cause the formation of gas in the intestinal tract and therefore slow down the entire digestive process;
- White rice and bananas, which can cause constipation;
- Industrial salty and sweet products; both products with refined flours, poor in micro-nutrients and fiber, which do not help the recovery of intestinal activity. They also contain high quantities of saturated fats and salt, giving a sense of general tiredness
- Alcohol, which is also harmful to the child, slows down the recovery process as it is a toxic substance.
It is also important to remember, in view of breastfeeding, to consult your gynecologist or pediatrician before taking any type of medication.
They and their possible combinations can reach the baby through breast milk. In any case, always follow the advice of your trusted doctor.
In conclusion, since a cesarean is a surgical procedure in all respects, it is essential to take care of your diet, thanks to which the body produces energy. Light and energetic foods in the hours before the operation allow the body to face it with the perfect amount of energy.
Once the surgery is over, it will take a few days for the body to fully recover, and it is essential to "help" it in its recovery with the best quality foods at a nutritional level.
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