Who is the Doula, what does it do, how much does it cost?

In a society characterized by ever-increasing individualism and insecurities, becoming a mother can be disconcerting, create doubts and great fears.

Unfortunately, it often happens that a future mother cannot have a conscious reference figure at her side, capable of understanding her and accompanying her on this beautiful but challenging journey.
The Doula was created precisely to welcome the woman in her subjectivity, preparing her for every step of pregnancy and at least until the first year of the post-partum period.
In this way, an excellent foundation is laid for the mother-child relationship and the dreaded baby blues can be successfully prevented or managed in the best possible way.
Who is the Doula?
The Doula is the person who supports the woman throughout the entire pregnancy and postpartum period, at least until the baby reaches the first year of life.
The word "doula" comes from Greek and can literally be translated as "she who serves the woman", but today it has acquired the meaning of "mother of the mother". Her task is in fact to support, cuddle and support the future mother and in general the parental couple.
This figure does not judge, evaluate or make decisions for the people he assists, but helps them find all the information they need to make informed choices.
This is an exclusively healthcare figure, therefore it does not replace the doctor or midwife, but its importance is recognized to the point of being regulated through law 4 of 2013 regarding non-registered professions.

The goal of a Doula is to help a woman become a mother, through a deep and nuanced journey. For this reason, it is a figure in itself, not comparable to other professions and that requires careful and targeted training.
In America the profession of Doula is already well known and appreciated, while in Italy it is emerging relatively recently. Today it is possible to train as such at the Doula School and the women who request this type of assistance are increasingly numerous, thus laying the foundations for a significant diffusion throughout the national territory.
Back to topWhat does a Doula do?
The Doula facilitates the experience of parenthood, with great attention to the maternal figure and her entire journey, at least up to the first year of the child's life.
During pregnancy, she supports the couple and respects their choices , without ever guiding them based on her own beliefs or personal comments.
After giving birth, she offers her services as a mothering expert , providing information on various care practices that are useful for strengthening the bond with the child.
Her training, which lasts about 1 year in total, concerns the management of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual plane. In this way, the Doula's service ranges from relaxation techniques and practical organization to the elaboration of the birth story and comic therapy.
Metaphors, images, theoretical and cultural information are also used, up to meditation and techniques for self-awareness.
Without a shadow of a doubt, this woman, external to the family, becomes a real reference figure, a sort of nanny for the mother, who however actually takes care of both parental units and the couple itself.
The pregnant woman thus has someone who knows how to stay by her side even in the worst moments, characterized by fatigue, suffering and tiredness.
The essential tools of a Doula are mainly the relationship and listening.
Her work is carried out in balance with each individual situation, therefore each meeting can take place at home or not, offering a tailor-made closeness, as well as the level of confidence and intimacy.
The trust of the future mother towards her Doula is fundamental and this type of bond is decisive for an optimal path.
The life of a pregnant woman first and then a new mother is full of doubts and insecurities and the Doula accompanies her in discovering her own resources and skills.
Having an empathetic, gentle figure by your side, but at the same time self-confident and able to convey your own security, can really make the difference.
The mother is born as such together with her child. The Doula welcomes this new identity into the world and helps her to take her first steps, to see the world with new eyes, to grow aware and self-confident.
Often a pregnant woman is pushed into choices that she doesn't feel are her own. The Doula teaches the future mother how to feel free to make her own decisions, getting thorough information and choosing what is truly the best for both herself and the baby.
Each hospital has a particular protocol and the Doula helps parents to understand it well , to know what to expect and what to ask for.
Once they have made all the necessary decisions, he helps them draw up a birth plan, that is, a written agreement between the future mother and the facility where she wishes to give birth.
While the midwife is a healthcare profession and her role is to take care of the sexual and reproductive health of women, the Doula offers a very different service: she does not make diagnoses, nor does she provide medical advice.
The collaboration between these two professional figures brings enormous benefits, both in terms of sharing knowledge and in allowing the future mother to build a network of relationships and professionals.
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How to find a Doula?
To find a Doula it is important to contact only official channels, in order to have the absolute certainty of dealing with real professionals.
The European Doula Network includes the Professional Association Mondo Doula, which trains its women through the Doula School.
Through the official website mondo-doula.it it is possible to get in touch with these figures, selecting your region to identify those who are nearby.
Some professionals have created real "Doula points": spaces for group meetings where laboratory activities and projects are also carried out to support more fragile situations, such as the reality of women in prison.
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How much does a Doula cost?
A Doula has a slightly higher cost than a classic babysitter. The hourly rate is in fact on average around a minimum of 15 to a maximum of 30 euros.
Emotionally managing a situation as delicate and profound as the one that goes from birth to the first period of a newborn's life is certainly a complex task.
Having a professional at your side allows the woman to feel welcomed, understood and protected in a way that only experience and knowledge can offer.
The Doula sees the woman who is becoming a mother in all respects, sees her changes, her insecurities and makes her aware of what is happening, so that she too can see deeply into herself.
All this strengthens the identity of the future mother and enables her to stand up for herself, make her own decisions and have them respected by those around her.
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