Libramed or Adiprox? Here's the truth

Slimming and Dietary Supplements for Weight Control
When we feel that the time has come to tackle a healthy and low-calorie diet that will help us lose weight, we must immediately consider the possibility of using slimming supplements and therefore those substances taken mainly through capsules that do not replace meals but that must only be part of a balanced and varied diet and therefore as the word itself says, must constitute an integration to the low-calorie diet that is being followed. The function of the supplements is to limit the glycemic peak, the accumulation of fat and promote the acceleration of the metabolism.
Let's now go into detail to analyze the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of two products that are part of the world of slimming supplements such as Adiprox and Libramed, produced by the same company Aboca, leader in the natural supplements sector and which also have in common the strong draining, detoxifying and purifying power.
Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind that to all this we must add a minimum of physical activity and more time to dedicate to meal times because the stress and haste that often leads us to consume meals in a fast and frenetic manner, do not help digestion and therefore the correct absorption of the substances contained in food.
Features and strengths of Libramed
This product, Libramed taken in capsules or granular sachets, is based on new plant molecular complexes such as the one represented by Policaptil Gel Retard, a system patented by Aboca that acts at the intestinal level forming a very viscous gel and that traps fats and carbohydrates in a network keeping them away from establishing contact with the intestinal surface in order to avoid their absorption as much as possible.
The strong point of this molecular complex that is the basis of Libramed is to promote the control of the glycemic peak, to reduce the quantity and speed of absorption of carbohydrates; in the same way, a notable reduction in the absorption of fats occurs. What follows? That the feeling of hunger will be calmed and satisfied, we will have better intestinal transit and therefore also greater regularity in the consistency of the stool.
The main feature of LIbramed is to keep under control the sudden increase in blood sugar after a meal that often leads to a very rapid accumulation of sugars in the form of fats and that paradoxically then leads to very low blood sugar levels so much so as to send a strong stimulus of hunger and appetite to our organism that forces the individual to take in more food and therefore to take in new energy resources.
Features and strengths of Adiprox
And here we are at Adiprox, another flagship of the natural slimming supplements presented by Aboca and which acts through the molecular complex of Adiprofen.
The product, marketed in capsules or in a liquid syrup-type formulation, was created to help control weight thanks mainly to the green tea extract useful for accelerating the basal metabolism, to promote thermogenesis and to make us more energetic and hyperactive. Its aim is in fact to promote weight loss by stimulating lipid metabolism, as well as improving the liver's purifying action thanks to Milk Thistle and a great beneficial action on the microcirculation thanks to the presence of grape extract which also acts as a purifying and antioxidant.
The INCI of this product therefore presents various ingredients among which we recall the green tea extract, the grape seed extract, the milk thistle, the dandelion with great purifying properties, the concentrated apple, elderberry and lemon juice and the maté with diuretic properties and which carries out an antioxidant action.
It should be mentioned that the product contains caffeine although not in large quantities and therefore those who are intolerant to it should keep this in mind, while interactions with drugs involving Matè have been reported.
Even before wondering whether Libramed or Adiprox are effective and reliable products, it would be useful to remember that they are 100% natural products and therefore do not present major contraindications. They must obviously be taken during a healthy and balanced diet and not for long periods.
It is not possible to establish which of the two products is the best because they have different characteristics even if both converge towards the same intent of controlling body weight. Often, even if for short periods, it is recommended to take Libramed and Adiprox together: in reality, if taken correctly and at the same time, they generate a powerful synergy that ensures the final result because the action is total and complete on every field of action: Libramed which with its function keeps the glycemic peak under control and therefore the transformation and accumulation in fat, Adiprox which increases the metabolism and therefore burns more calories. The microcirculation and intestinal transit will receive benefits, the sense of hunger and tiredness will be attenuated and we will finally be able to lose the extra pounds in a natural and above all stable way.
It should also not be forgotten that there are small precautions to follow when using each product: for example, in the case of Libramed, a diabetic subject and therefore with difficulties in producing insulin, the enzyme necessary for the correct maintenance of the level of sugar in the blood, it would be important to consult a doctor beforehand, given the main characteristic of this product to act on the glycemic peak; in the case of Adiprox, a hypertensive subject and therefore with high blood pressure problems, should be careful not to take the product for too long and also in this case to consult a doctor first.
Therefore, before starting to take one of these two products on your own, it would be a good idea to pay attention to the INCI of each one, focusing on the characteristics and properties of the substances that compose them and comparing them with the needs of our body.
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