Natural remedies to reduce fever

Fever is an increase in body temperature , but it is not to be considered a disease but rather an alarm bell. In fact, fever indicates the activation of our body's defense system, which is reacting to a pathogen that has intruded into our organism.
Fever is therefore a clinical signal common to many medical conditions, in practice it makes us understand that our organism is reacting to a virus that we have contracted, such as that relating to seasonal flu.

Thanks to the increase in body temperature, our body neutralizes the aforementioned virus that could then lead to an infectious disease. In very young children it is good to always keep fever under control and we recommend using an appropriate thermometer to measure fever in newborns .
Below we indicate a series of natural remedies to reduce fever.
Natural remedies to lower fever: tips
Before we go on with our advice, however, we would like to clarify a few things. Having a fever is not bad, but it instead means that our body is reacting to the ongoing infection. Fever is used to fight viruses and lowering it would also mean reducing the immune defenses.
That said, we recommend our natural remedies to lower fever only if it is high. Fever is defined as a body temperature that exceeds 37.2-37.5°. Therefore, it should only be lowered if it is above 38°.
Warm bath
The first method is that of the warm bath , which is also one of the most suitable natural remedies for lowering fever.
So, it will be enough to take a warm bath to quickly bring down the fever. This happens because the evaporation of water on the skin contributes significantly to the dispersion of heat from our body, and in this case, to lower the fever.
Alternatively, you can also apply warm, moist compresses to various parts of the body , and you will get the same effect. It is recommended to apply warm compresses to the forehead, wrists and ankles.
The potatoes
Another classic remedy is that of potatoes. In fact, it will be enough to cut some slices of potatoes (obviously raw) and place them on the forehead for at least 15-20 minutes (perhaps tying them to the head with a bandage).
In fact, potatoes have anti-inflammatory properties, which are particularly useful for lowering fever . To obtain this “healthy” effect, simply hold them on your forehead for 15-20 minutes.
It may be also advisable to wrap them up in a clean cotton cloth and wrap on the forehead which may have same affect.
Water and vinegar
The last method is what we could call “the grandmother's remedy” . This consists of a compress made of water and vinegar, placed in equal quantities in a basin. After that, just immerse your feet for at least 10 minutes and the fever will begin to decrease.
Alternatively, you can just wet the socks and wear them for the same amount of time. The effect will be similar.
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